About the project


The Farmer Tantoh Foundation (formerly known as Safe Your Future Association) aims to engage local communities in water conservation practices in Cameroon. The project focuses on protecting spring water catchments, using indigenous knowledge to develop sustainable water systems, and improving water quality through purification methods. Key activities include rain water harvesting, installation of water recharge facilities, sustainable landscaping, and building filtration chambers for irrigation and animal use. The foundation’s work aims to provide safe drinking water, conserve water resources, and foster long-term environmental sustainability.


Since 2005, the foundation has supported over 70 water projects, including spring, water tanks, and wells, benefitting more than 60,000 people across Cameroon. It has planted over 50000 water- friendly trees and established 20 water recharge facilities. The foundation’s efforts have protected and restored water catchments, and trees planted in these areas helps conserve water, reduce evaporation, stabilize water tables, and prevent soil erosion. The foundation has also helped established over 1000 gardens and empowered 50 bee farmers/nursery growers to generate income.

Community engagement

The foundation’s grassroots approach ensures community involvement in every aspect of the project. Local people, especially women are actively involved in planning, constructing and maintaining water projects. Women often take leadership roles and community members work together in planting trees and building infrastructure. A water management committee is established to ensure the sustainability of each project, and the community plays a key role in overseeing water conservation efforts.


Policy influence

The foundation’s work has gained recognition from the government of Cameroon, influencing policy discussions on environmental stewardship. The biography of founder Dieudonne Tantoh Nforba, featured in the children’s book “I Am Farmer” has inspired young people across Cameroon to pursue environmental initiatives. The Government is now considering making environmental education a compulsory subject in schools, influenced by the foundation’s advocacy and the success of its projects. 

Project Representative

Farmer Tantoh
Farmer Tantoh

Dieudonne Tantoh Nforba, widely known as Farmer Tantoh, is a Cameroonian grassroots environmental activist specializing in water conservation and organic farming. Born in 1978, he studied tropical agriculture at the Regional College of Agriculture-Bambili, graduating in 2004. In 2005, he founded Save Your Future Association (SYFA) to support youth and low-income farmers in environmental protection and sustainable agriculture.

He has studied global watershed management in the U.S. and Russia, organic farming in Wisconsin, and received numerous accolades, including the African International Achievers Award (2011) and Ashoka Fellowship (2012). His story was featured in the children’s book I Am Farmer. In 2024, SYFA transitioned into The Farmer Tantoh Foundation to expand its impact in Cameroon and Africa. His work has hosted over 100 international volunteers, furthering his mission of grassroots environmental empowerment.

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