This report is the first stage in a programme of work to develop data-driven policy recommendations that can support Qatar to diversify its economy and build a sustainable, circular economy for future generations.
It builds on the outcomes from workshops, interviews, and a survey to engage policymakers, professionals, academia and civil society within Qatar to capture their feedback. Details of this engagement can be found in Annex 3. This report is a high level scoping exercise which explores how moving to a circular economy can support Qatar to deliver on its QNV commitments through building a circular economy and securing continued clean growth, whilst preserving its cultural identity and values. The policy proposals set out in this report are based on the views of stakeholders during workshops and surveys. In the next phase the report will explore the impact and feasibility of these proposals in the Qatari context through extensive literature reviews, interviews, surveys, and assessments of similar international policies.
The report explores 6 sectors: hospitality, water, plastics, food, the built environment, and energy transition and renewables. In each of these sectors the report identifies:
→ the challenges to improving circularity;
→ the opportunities that circularity can bring; and
→ the pathways that can be taken to realise these